Friday, July 27, 2007

Those Who Hunger and Thirst . . .

27 July 2007

Cameroon is not just a spiritually starved and parched land-- it is hungry and thirsty land. As I have said before, the fields are white already to harvest. The government is very open to missionaries and the people are open to the message. And God is ready to harvest, and, in fact, is already harvesting many souls in Cameroon. Ndop was another breath-taking view of God's outpoured grace. Sam, Abby, brother Providence, and I were down in the main market in Bamunka in the region of Ndop (more properly Ngokutunja) for a few hours witnessing and saw at least 7 people make confessions of faith in the Lord Jesus. Ndop is a region hungry for the Truth!

Sunday afternoon, Providence and Chrysanthus will lead a Bible study there in the main market. My prayers will be with that. I have written about several other villages like Bamunka, where we have seen God's spirit outpoured. Even in Ndop, there are 13 villages, just bereft of the light of the Gospel. PRAY, beseech, BEG the Lord of the harvest for laborers! And these millions of hungry, thirsty souls for whom Christ died will be blessed . . . "for they shall be filled."

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wum: White Already to Harvest

23 July 2007

On Saturday, July 21st, Pastor and Mrs. Needham, Daniel Needham, Sam and Abby Sanderlin, Pastor Julius, and I all crammed into the Needhams' Isuzu Trooper for a day trip out to the large village of Wum. Stopping briefly in the main square of the town, we had multiple witnessing opportunities within a matter of ten or fifteen minutes. One young boy asked me for a handful of tracts so he could take them back to his people. As we drove on down the road we were welcomed with great honor at the "palaces" of two fons (tribal chiefs). They eagerly reaffirmed their desire to cooperate with Pastor Tom's plans to put in an airstrip near the village. As we were leaving the palace of the second fon, a great crowd met our vehicle all clamoring for tracts. They were not simply fascinated by our white skin, they were hungry to hear what message we might have to give them. This large village has no church, no missionary, no Christians at all that we know of. And the field is white and open for harvest. Oh, please pray to the Lord of the harvest to compel laborers to go! There are thousands of villages just like Wum. Thousands are dying in the darkness everyday. It's not because they will not hear; it's more often because there is no one to preach to them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the Hills

I headed up into the hills east of Sabga to stay in a Fulani house with a fellow believer. Joda was saved in 1992 at the age of 24 through the witness of Pastor Tom Needham. He has been serving the Lord faithfully in many ways since then and now lives in Bamenda traveling around to different villages as a counselor for the youth in this part of Cameroon. Joda and I stayed at his mother’s compound for one night helping tend the cattle and witnessing to the herdsman who is working for Joda’s mother. The hike and stay up in those beautiful Fulani hills was refreshing for my spirit. There is such natural beauty and majesty in the endless green views of that quiet place.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Independence Day in "the Uttermost"

written on July 4

Only once in the past three years have I been in the USA for the Fourth of July. I miss it, yet, let nothing stand between me and the Christ I follow. Celebrating Independence Day abroad is just part of being a missionary. Part of taking the Gospel to the uttermost. Can I say I do not have a desire to spend this day with my family in the beautiful countryside of my beloved homeland? To deny that would be to deny that I have natural human desires and loves. Yet, I find my fulfilling joy, my ultimate delight, the end of my pleasure only in my Christ! "Rejoice in the LORD!" May it be first and foremost in my own heart that I am a citizen of heaven and a stranger and an alien on this earth. Yes, I love the USA and I'm proud to be an American, but far stronger is the driving force in my heart of my heavenly citizenship.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Strangers in an Unworthy World

So what does it mean to be a stranger on this earth? What does it mean for this world not to be worthy of those heroes of faith from Hebrews 11? What does it mean to forsake all for Christ? I do not think I even know. I am a very rich man in this world-- compared to most; compared to Christ. So how can I know what it means to follow Christ, when, according to worldly "goods", I live so far above the level at which Christ Himself lived on this earth? How tightly am I holding on to the things of this world? With an open hand, but will my fingers spring shut if God begins to remove something precious from my hand?

Sunday night at church we watched "Flame in the Wind." I don't know how many times I've seen it, but this summer, my heart has been moved, rebuked, blessed everytime I watch those men face the Inquisition, suffer, stand, and die for Something they held more precious than anything in this world. They faced the flames with no fear, no grasping of anything or anyone in this world, only clinging tightly to Jesus Christ. To them, the world was not worthy of their lives. The world was death. Christ was life. And Christ alone was worthy of their affections and their life! So that's what it means-- "of whom the world was not worthy."

Thursday, June 28, 2007


A village of 14,000 people tucked away in the hills of western Cameroon. A quiet village of farming families. A very lost village. For four days last week Katie, Rosemary, Gideon, and I traveled to all four quarters of this village carrying the Good News. Hundreds heard and several that we know of received the Son of God as their own Savior. Several men joined us at church Sunday morning as new disciples of Christ. Praise the Lord for the work He will do in that place! This summer I am truly learning the joy in Christ that surpasses all other earthly joys.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

". . . Who Have No Hope . . ."

Two days ago, the Lamido (Muslim tribal leader) of Sabga passed into eternity. I attended the burial and watched as men prayed for the eternally damned soul of a man who had been sincerely religious in his own way. But sincerely wrong. He did what was right in his own eyes but rejected the truth in God's word. Many here have heard the truth, but rejected for various reasons-- fear, unbelief, the offense of the cross. And yet, many still have never heard the good news of the Gospel.

Elizabeth was witnessing to a girl after the burial, and, after hearing the truth, the girl noted, "Then that means the Lamido is in hell." Yes, despite all of the prayers for Allah to be merciful even now to this man's soul, those who sorrow must do so "as those who have no hope." Alas, this girl could not accept Christ for herself for fear of her Muslim parents.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mountains, Valleys, Mangoes, and Fulani

This was written May 23. They are coming in all together. -Mom-

The light of the Gospel is slowly spreading across Cameroon, bit by bit. Today, Pastor Tom and I trekked over mountain and valleys for miles, visiting the Fulani compounds in the area. I cannot speak the language (Fulfulde) yet, but Pastor Tom had several really exciting opportunities to share the Gospel with these friendly Muslim people. They are in darkness now, but I know that the Lord will be faithful in bringing salvation to the Fulani. As Jesus Christ told Peter, “I will build my church . . .”

He is doing just that in this very area. Sustained by a couple of mangoes pulled from a tree along the trail, we hiked all day down to Camp Joy—taking the scenic route across the mountains and cliffs—arriving there around three in the afternoon. What a blessing to see what the Lord has done in that ministry: raising up Godly men to lead and building facilities to make the summer camps a possibility. Yes, Jesus Christ is indeed still working, building His church, and not even the gates of hell can stop His work!

Futbol Evangelism

This was written May 18 so it is slightly out of order. -Mom-

High in the hills of Sabga, the Lord is proving Himself faithful in so many ways everyday. Everything is going great here, or “fine” as they like to answer the question, “how are you?” rather than well or good. The language most speak here is Pidgin which has a good portion of familiar vocabulary, but enough difference that it is a completely different language and impossible for me to understand an extended conversation without an interpreter. But that is one language I will learn this summer. The other I will attempt is Fulfulde. That is the language spoken by the Fulani (Muslim) people here.

I have played a lot of futbol (soccer) in my first four days here. I play with some junior high boys at their school. They are Muslim and speak only a little English, and, of course, I speak no Fulfulde as of yet. I am praying that the Lord will give me opportunities this summer to use this as an inroad to lead some to the one true GOD through His holy Son Jesus Christ. “So that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow . . . and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Monday, May 28, 2007

"I Will Build My Church"

Yesterday (Sunday), Pastor Tom and I rode the motorcycle down to
Babongki (sp?). He preached the morning message. The church there looked to be about thirty Christians including children (LOTS of children) just started in the last year or so. Pastor had not even seen it until yesterday. It's a completely indigenous work planted by one of the national pastors trained here at the little Sabga Bible Institute. Praise the Lord for how He has built His church here in Cameroon and still is moving, spreading the light of His Gospel across this dark nation.

Many thousands just in this area still have never heard. There are Fulani compounds scattered remotely all across the land. The only way to these places is to trek (walk, hike) in through the bush and over some pretty rugged terrain. Pray with me that the hearts and minds of these precious people with be opened and that they may see through the strong lies of Islam to the true light of the Gospel.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I miss you all TONS!! But the Lord is really blessing here, and I love it here! I love the food, the mountains and ridges, and the people! God is at work here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Needs Satisfied.

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19)

I wonder how many thousands of Christians in their most dire straights have claimed that verse and found the answer to it in the faithful provision of our immutable God. I know for myself it has been many, many times already. And I wonder how many hundreds, yes, even thousands of times more I will claim that promise in prayer. I know one thing. That however many times I claim the promise, it will be kept as often and more. What a faithful God! How far above our own unfaithfulness He is!

In the past couple of weeks, God has provided nearly all of my needed support for my trip to Cameroon. There are a few more odds and ends I need requiring a few more funds. But my trip is about 98% paid! God is so good! Thank you to everyone who has played a part in God's providing for this trip. There is more yet to be contributed. Much more. In prayer.

"He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things." (Psalm 107:9)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Underneath Are the Everlasting Arms

As I rushed to the Post Office on campus to send out my Visa Application yesterday, I was feeling pretty good about things. My Visa application was perhaps the last really big step in this process that I'll have to worry about for a while. Then reality hit again. I'm at college. I'm taking twenty credit hours. I have my Oral and Practical examinations (8-10 hours of grueling examinations and projects) for my airframe mechanic's license in two weeks.

Well, that's the earthly reality.But there is a heavenly reality. A reality which says, "The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deut. 33:27) So, as I fight panic at times, frustration at other times in my own human weakness, I find my comfort and peace in the sufficient grace of the Cross and my strength in the "everlasting Arms."

Saturday, March 3, 2007

the joy set before

This past week I got my pictures taken for my visa and began filling out my visa application. It's a lot easier than I expected, but it's another step in the process. The money for the trip is steadily coming in from God's hand through His servants-- my family and friends. I now have approximately 20% of my support. God is so GOOD!!!It is hard to explain the excitement that fills me with each new day as I look forward to this trip. I can only truly share this joy with friends who are like me preparing to enter the mission field carrying in their arms the amazing Gospel of Christ to a world desperate for life! We as Christians here in America become bored with the Gospel because we have heard it from the time we were children, or because we instinctively feel we don't need it in our comfortable American lives. But imagine the joy, the release that fills the heart and mind of soul whose eyes are finally opened to the freeing power of the Gospel for the first time in his life after living a many years in bondage to works, to evil spirits, to a priest, or simply to his own sin! That joy that comes from seeing a life rescued and changed by Christ alone is "the joy that was set before Him."

Saturday, February 10, 2007

before all the nations

On Feb 9th I got my shots at the Greenville County Health Department. Polio, Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and Menengitis-- five total. My arms are sore, but it's nothing compared to the excitement that grows more and more each day.

I talked to a friend who is also planning to enter the mission field when he finishes his education. He reminded me that there is no greater joy than sharing the Gospel of Christ with someone who has never heard and who WANTS to hear!

The Lord has given Isaiah 61 to me to really explore and hold close to my heart this semester. Verse 11:
"For as the earth brings forth its sprouts,
And as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up,
So the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise
To spring up before ALL THE NATIONS."

What a joy to be used of God as a sower and then to sit back watch in awe and wonder as my God causes righteousness and praise to spring up like a gloriously beautiful garden across the entire earth!

Friday, January 5, 2007

First of Many . . . I Hope

I've never done a blog before and it remains to be seen if I can keep up with this one as I would like to. It seems akin to a journal. This one I created for those who want to keep up to date on my missions internship this coming summer, but I have a feeling that if it lasts through the summer, it will continue on indefinitely into the future keeping people up to date on many other pursuits and endeavors yet to be imagined.

I'm in the planning stage of planning for my internship to Sadga, Cameroon in West Africa. I'm figuring out expenses, sending out prayer letters, getting my visa, taking care of shots and the seemingly myriad other tasks that accompany this trip.

Stay tuned for pictures and more commentaries as I get the hang of this blog thing.